Faculty of social sciences
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava

Fotky z albumu 'Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries'

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V dňoch 20. – 21. apríla 2016 sa na pôde Fakulty sociálnych vied Univerzity sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave konal medzinárodný vedecký workshop a medzinárodná vedecká konferencia pod názvom „Migration and Its Impact on V4 Countries.“

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries

Migration and it´s impact on V4 countries