Fakulta sociálnych vied

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Dňa 21.-22.4.2016 sa na pôde Fakulty sociálnych vied UCM uskutočnila medzinárodná vedecká konferencia, organizovaná Katedrou politológie a európskych štúdii. Jej témou bol „Electoral Engineering and Competitivness in Post-Communist Europe“, pričom program bol rozdelený do štyroch diskusných panelov zameraných okrem iného tiež na stratégie politických strán, volebné správanie v kontexte médií či špeciálny panel doktorandov , ktorého témou boli parlamentné voľby na Slovensku.

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe

Electoral engineering and competitiveness in Post-communist Europe